How to Find a Great Electrician in Newton and Wellesley

find an electricianElectricity is one of the cornerstones of modern American society. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to run our computers, watch videos on the Internet, read at night or supply power to many convenient or necessary devices we have in our homes and offices. That’s why when it’s time to get some electrical work done in your home or workplace, you need to make sure you get a good electrician to get good results.

So how do you do it? We’ve got six easy ways to help you find the electrician that can do the job for you.

1 – Word of Mouth from Trusted Sources

If you have any family, friends or professional contacts with opinions you hold in high esteem, this may be the first place you should go. After all, if they have had good results with an electrician and these are people you trust, that kind of praise goes a long way towards justifying the value of a seasoned electrician. Always ask people you know and respect as your jumping off point for your search. Some of our most loyal residential electric customers in Newton and Wellesley came from customer referrals.

2 – Research Specialties

Having work done in your residence may use some of the same basic principles as for an industrial site, but the scope, scale, and implementation can differ vastly. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that if you have a specific need, such as an office, a home, a factory or construction site, you get an electrical specialist that knows this area. You wouldn’t want a podiatrist to perform lung surgery, and you don’t want only a residential specialist doing your industrial site. At All Electric Works, we make sure to match you with the specialist that will fulfill your specific needs.

3 – Look at Certifications & Licenses

Electrical is highly complex, specialized work that requires a lot of study and professional recognition. This means that people doing your work should have the appropriate documentation and it should be easy to verify this. At All Electric Works, we are fully insured and up to speed on all Newton, Wellesley and Boston local residential electrician regulations. Our professionals are proud of their credentials and can quickly provide them on request.

4 – Look at Estimates

When you are considering getting some electrical work done, as with any major labor, an estimate is important. Make sure that the estimates are in line with a realistic budget for the scale of the work required. Our professionals will be able to give you an free and accurate estimate that we can stick to unless a very dramatic, unforeseen circumstance occurs.

5 – Materials Approval

Different electricians will have different approaches to how they choose the equipment and materials they use for the work. In some cases, they’ll even allow you to choose which products or materials will be used on your project. In other cases, they’ll show you the materials they would like to use and give you a chance to approve their selection. If an electrician will not explain to you their choice of materials, and will not give you final approval on material usage, this is a red flag.

6 – Work Permit Application

A good professional electrician knows which permits are required to get work done and is well versed in quickly getting this process completed and ready to go. Any electrician that asks you do this kind of paperwork yourself is acting in an unprofessional manner, and you should think twice about engaging their services. Always get an electrician that understands the local process for permit application and can do this on your behalf. It is their job to do this, not yours.

By following these six tips, you can easily find potential electricians that can do the job for you, and then find the best electrician for your exact needs.

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